Hello to Everyone,
I know I said I wasn't going to be posting any further blogs, but this last weekend was so special it needs to be shared :) This will be more of a thank you and a picture blog hope you enjoy it.
Norm went thru the first session of his first chemo treatment last Wednesday and I have to say it was with a fabulous result. The difference in energy, and absolutely everything was like night and day.
They say timing is everything and the way Norm felt this last weekend was a case in point if ever there was one.
We were blessed to share the time with many of our family. Norm's Mom came down with Norm's sister Jean and husband Garnet, Norm's brother Gary flew in as well. My brother Larry and my sister-in-law Cathy surprised us by bringing our niece Stacey with them.
We decided to make our place the party place, Darcy and Leanne brought their trailer out and Larry and Cathy brought theirs. With those two trailers and our house everyone was able to stay right here the whole weekend. Even our granddaughters were able to spend time with us, they usually don't have too many weekends free if not working they are still young enough to have a life lol.
Our awesome son-in-law Darcy was here Friday morning making sure the lawn was mowed and that things were ready for our company. Thank you we love you so much.
On Saturday, the 3rd (Renaye's birthday) everyone grabbed shovels, rakes, lawn mowers, whipper snippers, and did our yard, weeding spaces that probably have NEVER been weeded lol. Some of us worked on the garage and Larry and Gary worked on my SUV. What a workout that day was. But it looks fabulous.
my beautiful little garden area after Cathy & Leanne made it that way :)
Norm was able to nap as often as he needed and yet able to enjoy the fun, especially the firepit on Friday night and Saturday night many stories, much teasing, tons of laughter ....it was a blast. Sunday was for recuperating (some of us more than others nuff said:)
Larry, Cathy and Stacey headed back to BC last night, our kids and their kids headed back to their places. This morning Jean and Garn headed back to Saskatchewan, tomorrow Gary flies home as well. We are happy to say Mom will be visiting us for a couple of weeks.
Wednesday, Norm has his second session of the first chemotherapy I am hoping the results will be the same. Today is a day of rest for him in his favourite recliner he is understandably a bit wore out . That day they are also doing a MRI and on the 15th will be a CT scan to see what the progress is and to decide on what course of action will be next. Likely more chemo.
Below are some of the pictures of our great weekend. Enjoy.
Gary |
Jean |
Darcy - Garnet |
The work gang |
Larry |
Darcy making sure the picture will be perfect |
Larry and Garnet putting up the rope light |
good times |
The Gang - chillin' |
The Photographer's setting up |
Darcy & Lee |
Below are the inevitable family pictures xoxoxox
Mom, Gary, Jean & Garnet, Norm and I |
Mom, Norm, Jean and Gary |
Darcy & Leanne |
Darcy, Leanne, Megan, Ashley & Cooper |
Cathy, Larry & Stacey |
Erin & Pete |
Renaye, Dallas, Amanda and Alyx |
Renaye and Dallas |
Renaye, Leanne, Norm and Me |
Me, grandbabies, Lacey and Cooper |
Our fabulous family Back Row -- Dallas, Garnet, Cathy & Larry Next Row -- Gary, Leanne, Renaye, Jean & Stacey Sitting -- Mom, Norm, Me Ground Crew -- Megan, Ashley, Aly & Amanda How blessed can two people be xoxoxoxoxoxo |
Once again, we can not begin to thank everyone enough. You all fill our hearts with love and much joy, we are so very honored and happy to call you family.
Love and Hugs to All |